Follow this easy play doh recipe and you'll have hours of fun things to do with kids and maybe a little time for yourself to relax, too 😉
Also, the homemade
play doh I'll share with you here is also preservable if it is kept
in airtight containers.
So set aside a few hours, maybe on a
weekend to enjoy this project. Another great benefit of this project
of making homemade play doh is that there are several stages in it.
So if your child is not that keen on just doing one thing for a long
time, this might be a great activity with plenty of variation.
I'll try to write up the stages in this fun activity for kids in
a way so that each stage in the play doh project becomes an activity
in itself.
The first step is to gather all the
ingredients for the play doh recipe. Your child can easily
help you gather the different items you need from the
cupboards and drawers.
In my quest for how to make
plasticine, I searched the internet for the easiest, less-time
consuming play doh recipe with the fewest ingredients. I found
a few that didn't need cooking and I modified them slightly to
suit what I had in the house. You can do the same.
Overall, what you need is: salt, water, flour, vegetable oil and
natural food coloring.
Many play doh recipes also mention the
use of cream of tartar to make it softer and to maintain its
softness when preserved.
Besides not knowing what on earth
cream of tartar was, I didn't have it in stock, so I did
without it and it worked perfectly fine. So in my view, cream
of tartar is not 'need to have', but it might be 'nice to have' -
although again, I wouldn't know.
Also olive oil was the
only type of oil I
had in stock, so that was the one I used.
The recipe is for ONE color only. As I had four different food colors available, I repeated this recipe four times, one for each color.
Now this step in how to make
plasticine is definetely one your kid will love. It's about
getting all dirty with your hands 😉
I'm sure there is
an ideal procedure in terms of which ingredients to put in
first and mix together. However, we just sort of put it all in
(except the coloring, we waited a bit with that) and knead it
all together. That was my son's job!
After the ingredients
had been kneaded for a while I decided to put in a few drops
of green food coloring. As you can see on the pictures, a few drops
isn't nearly enough to dye the whole dough.
So we just continued adding a few drops until we were happy with the color.
interesting thing we discovered was that some colors seem to color
more efficiently and 'true to their color' than others.
For instance, with the yellow
coloring was easy, we only added about a
teaspoon to get the desired effect. Maybe it didn't need so
much coloring as the plain dough color is pretty close to
yellow in the first place.
was also fairly
easy to have coloring the play doh; maybe twice the amount as
the yellow.
But then we were in for a
big surprise
with the red. For some strange reason the red was just absorbed by
the dough leaving very little coloring effect on the dough. I
can't remember how much we ended up putting in, maybe half the
bottle, and still the red color was a bit, eh,
not so red
after all. You can judge for yourself in the picture below.
And the blue color also had a surprise installed for us.
When looked at in itself the liquid is perfectly blue but when
added to the dough, it turned more or less green, or maybe
dark turquoise. Very pretty and all, but I
wouldn't go so far as to call it blue.
It wasn't that surprising that my son only had the patience for participating in kneading one play doh color.
So I ended up making the others, but calling him into the kitchen when the coloring of the dough began.
The color transformation for each color
continued to create excitement!
If you go online and do a search for play doh ideas, you will find plenty of inspiration for things to make of your homemade play doh. Or you can just play along and do whatever you feel like.
Here are examples of a few animals we had fun creating:
This was my son's creation.
For some reason he wasn't too happy about it. Maybe it was too
cute. I, however, loved it and even saved it afterwards.
Below are a few of my own creations. They are not great
art, but fun and very easy to make, thus ideal as easy crafts
for kids.
After you're done, you can
disassemble the creations you don't want to keep forever and
return each color to its own color: red to red, green to green
etc. That is a fun task for the kids to do, too.
you'll need some airtight containers to store play doh in. I
found some old breast milk containers from when I was
breastfeeding and needed to freeze the milk so my parents
could use it when babysitting.
These containers worked just fine. Anything will do really as
long as its airtight.
week later I had a friend over with her kids, and we used the
preserved play doh and it was still perfectly soft.
go ahead and knock yourself out with this play doh recipe for
homemade play doh and prepare for hours of fun.
Your Positive Parenting Ally,
Being a parent can feel like a double-edged sword. Life with kids may feel like the greatest gift you have ever received, while at the same being hugely challenging, often leaving you confused, stressed and overwhelmed.
When we feel like this, we've lost touch with ourselves. We can't hear our own inner voice, and it's difficult to know what is 'right' for us and how to act.
I offer in-depth parent coaching to help you regain your balance and get back in touch with yourself. From a place of inner peace and clarity, your will find your own answers which will help you reconnect with your child from a place of unconditional love and acceptance.
Read more about my parent coaching here.
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