Kids' brains are fantastic as they work like thirsty little sponges. Therefore learning games for kids are really just a way to support your kids' natural thirst for learning.
Since your kids' desire to learn is natural, strong and healthy why not support this inner drive with some entertaining educational games for kids.
You see, kids not only want to learn they can also have lots of fun doing it if the game follows a few simple principles: total acceptance of where they are, playfulness and experimentation.
The many ideas for kids learning activities on this page support these principles - we want you and your child to feel good and empowered about yourselves, learn a lot while having a blast at the same time :-)
What you'll find here is in fact a long list of educational kids games which will hopefully give you ideas and inspiration for many hours of fun.
More concretely, on this page in terms of learning games for kids you'll get:
If you want to go in depth with a particular topic just click on the links on this page to access more educational fun games for kids…
There are all kinds of learning games for kids that you can play, and you don’t have to limit yourself to only playing games at home.
There are games that you can play when driving down the road, walking through the shopping center, or cleaning your house. Coming up with fun games on the spot can be a fun bonding activity for your family, but also a very educational one.
You see, making things into a game or a fun activity is the secret to helping your kids learn, no matter what the subject matter is. Your kids will get into the spirit of the games, and they will find that learning is just a handy side effect of the fun that they are having.
That is why games are so effective at helping kids to learn. You can get as creative as you want and make up pretty much any kind of game, and your kids will find that they get into the spirit of the game – making it much easier for them to learn.
This is a really fun activity to do with your young
children, and it can be a great way for them to learn about art and
science both.
The popping bubbles will leave pretty circle
marks on the paper, and you can have fun decorating the papers
filling out the bubbles marks or making smiling faces with the help
of paint or markers.
Dot to Dot can be a fun game for kids, and
it can teach them about either numbers or letters: You can make a dot to
dot page using the numbers as high as they can count, or you can use
the alphabet. All they have to do is connect the dots.
There are two ways to prepare this example of
learning games for kids - a very simple one and a more (for you)
challenging one:
is a great game to play with many kids gathered on the spot but you
can also play it with only one child.
For instance I have used this game with my son as pastime on the sidewalk waiting for the bus or in front of a friends' house waiting for this person to come home.
Even though it may appear like it, this learning game for kids is not about teaching obedience. It's about developing your preschooler's motor skills in terms of quick physical reactions.
Any kids that are moving after “red light” have to go back to the beginning. The winner is the first child to reach the caller.
In the Danish version of this game, the caller shouts "Red, yellow, green, stop".
Calling out four words instead of just two,
gives the runners more of a warning as they know that when the word
'green' is reached, they should slow down as 'stop' is the next
Teaching your kids in the great outdoors can combine fun with learning about nature.
Here are some fun outdoor kids learning
activities that you can do:
In this learning game for kids each child has to select a plant, animal, or something else they can see as you are out in nature, and you have 20 questions to figure out what it is they are thinking of.
The questions can help your kids to learn
about the different kids of leaves, bark, stones, animal families, and other
important nature facts.
Rather than searching
for a real treasure, give each of the kids a list of things that
they need to find out in nature.
As you go on your hike or walk, your kids will be collecting their “pine cone”, “red rock”, “green branch”, and other items.
At the end of the hike, see who got the most items on their
list, and have a surprise treat waiting at home to celebrate all the
successful treasure hunters.
Learning how to read maps is not only a fun challenge but is also great for introducing abstract spatial thinking.
One way to boost your kids' spatial sense is to play this type learning games for kids: Make your own map of your neighborhood:
When you're done with the walk and have marked down the most important features of your neighborhood, consider framing the map and put it on the wall as modern map art.
Many people have antique maps on their walls,
why not have a personal modern one? :-)
Have each of your kids bring a
notebook and a pencil with them as you go
on your walk, and take a few minutes every 30 minutes or so to stop,
sit, and write something down or draw something they've seen.
It can be an observation on the trees, something the kids noticed as they were walking, or something they are feeling out in nature.
Having a quiet focused time in nature writing or
drawing can help them to get in touch with
nature more easily.
Paying attention to the signs of nature and learning to interpret them are great skills to teach your kids and work as wonderful learning games for kids.
Once the week is done, you can go
through the journal together and see what days were rainy, sunny, or
windy, and if there were any signs to indicate what the weather
would be like.
There are a lot of great
learning games for kids that you can find
online, and many websites feature all kinds of awesome learning
games for kids.
Here are a few sites to check out for great online
The internet is full
of games that your kids can use to learn to type. You can just do a
Google search for “typing games” and you will get a giant list of
fun games that your kids can play.
All the games will help them to learn to first recognize where the keys are, then how to hit them the right way, and finally it will work their way up to speed typing and touch typing.
These learning games for kids can be a lot of fun, and they usually have a variety of difficulty settings to challenge your kids as their typing skills improve.
Fun money games for kids can be a
great way for them to practice their math skills.
If you want your kids to learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and
divide, money is a good tool to use.
They have to add up the cents to make the dollars, and multiply the number of coins according to their value.
If you have a large coin collection, it can be a fun
way to spend an afternoon practicing math skills.
Coin math problems can be a lot of fun, and you can see who can come up with the most creative solutions.
You just need to
come up with a few coin problems, and your kids will spend time
trying to figure out how many pennies, dimes, nickels, and quarters
they need to make a certain amount of money.
Monopoly is one of the best math and money games, and the truth is that it can help your kids to learn about a lot more than just counting.
They will learn how to invest, how savings accounts are
managed, and what happens when they spend more than they own.
kids are depending more and more on the TV for their
passive entertainment.
TV doesn't have to be all bad when programs are chosen carefully and only for a very limited period of time.
However, nothing really beats the learning power
inherent in reading. Use these reading games
to help stimulate their interest in reading:
Select a good well-known phrase from one of your kids’ favorite books, and read the phrase to them.
They then have to find the phrase in the book,
and yell out the page number when they have it.
Select a number of random letter groups (gh, ing, etc.) from a large page of text, and have your kids find as many uses of these letter groups as possible.
See which letter group has the most uses on a particular page.
Science is one of the
most fun topics for kids, so here are some great learning games for
kids for you to
play with your children:
Fill a number of bottles with different levels of water (you can Google how much water is needed in order to make specific notes).
Play a simple 4 note piece of music on a piano,
and have each child figure out which bottles need to be blown into
to recreate the music.
Give each of the kids a balloon and a comb, and have them wear woolen sweaters.
Each child has to use the comb and sweater to create static electricity, and they can then use the electricity on the comb to move the balloon – No hands allowed!
Make a line a the end of the room and have the
children move their balloons to that line without touching it with their hands.
Each child needs to cut an apple into four quarters, two of which they will then rub lemon juice onto.
Have them all do it in a separate room, with each child guessing which of the four quarters another child has dunked in lemon.
See who can guess
correctly immediately after the apple has been cut, and which can
guess correctly 30 minutes later.
For those who
want to learn the difference between raw and boiled eggs, you can
make a race to help teach them.
Give each child a boiled and raw egg, and have them choose which one will be their racer.
They can decorate the eggs, and they have to spin them down a set course.
When the kids have spun their eggs all the way to the end,
you can explain why their raw eggs just didn’t
spin properly.
These brain games
for kids can be a lot of fun while they teach your child to use
logic to puzzle things out.
It sounds easy, but the truth is that two good players will never lose a game – it will always end in a draw.
With only nine spaces to choose from, then game
requires logic and tactics.
Again, this sounds like a silly game to be playing to help your kids learn logic, but the truth is that they have to read the other player in order to figure out what they are going to do next.
It can
help them to use their brain to figure out what the next move is,
and they will see if they can read each other.
Nine Men’s Morris is a classic logic and puzzle game where each player has nine pieces, similar to the way checkers works.
They have to form rows of three pieces, after which they can
remove one of their opponents pieces until their opponent has two
pieces left. (go
for more detailed instructions on this one of brain games for kids).
In my opinion some of the foods that most clearly show the difference are carrots and onions. The carrots simply taste better and the onions are a lot more juicy (with the onions your kids might not want to taste them, but cut them open and show them how much more juicy the organic ones are).
Blindfold each of the children and place a vegetable in their hand.
Without tasting it, they have to feel and smell it to see if they can figure out what it is. If they can’t figure it out, let them taste the vegetable.
If the game is too easy cut out the vegetables so
that the kids can't guess it from the shape only.
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