The most intelligent animals, all primates and humans, too, learn by playing - so fun games for kids are really the most natural kind of fun learning activity you can get your kid involved in.
And you know what?
Fun activities for kids can be lots of
fun for grownups, too. If we allow ourselves to get properly
involved and can find the space and time required, that is :-)
All that being said though, children do tend to be better at -
and more interested in - learning things by the pure and raw means
of fun and play.
Adults are often content to just pick up a
book or observe hands off, while most children become bored very
quickly with that kind of apparently not-so-stimulating activity.
Most children need more direct and concrete feedback stimulation of
their senses.
Generally speaking, children need a lot of
sensory and auditory stimulation such as bright colors, fun sounds
and physical tests ... include these aspects in the games and all this will help them learn faster - from the most basic
of physical skills to more advanced cognitive thinking.
You can view this page as the BIG resource central for fun games for kids.
you will be introduced to the many different types of fun
activities for kids. The list here of fun things to do with
kids is by no means exhaustive so take it a source of
Some of the great activities for kids are
physical and help to strengthen hand eye coordination while
others prompt deep thinking and entice children to think their
way through the objective.
So playing games can serve
to flex their muscles, whether it be their arms and legs or
their brain. :-)
Under each section
on this page, you will find one or more links that will take
you to a specific activities page containing lots of
games concerning a certain topic e.g.
math games for kids,
science experiments for kids,
arts and crafts for kids, making
healthy snacks for kids and much, much more.
Games are just an excellent way to educate children in
different areas and help to improve their knowledge and skills.
Your children's brains are soaking up the knowledge, and
above all, children want fun. So when you combine
fun with
learning, you have a winner with them. They will probably bug
you to keep playing and 'doing the fun things to do for kids'
with them.
You will be able to spend quality time with
them, while teaching them.
And - who knows - you might
have fun with these fun games for kids, too.
(If you
have a toddler, you might like these pages on
Fun Toddler Games and
Fun Activities for Toddlers
Engaging the children to help create fun snacks is not only a great way to spend time with your child, it can also be a fascinating learning experience.
sow a seed of food and cooking interest in your child, it can
be a good idea to take your time to:
Tip: I always have the internet going on my
laptop nearby so I can quickly look up information.
son can be very specific in his questions: like, 'What does a
broccoli plant look like and how big does it get?'
Here, the internet will quickly come to my rescue :-)
So you see, eating and preparing healthy foods can also be a
game and does not have to be boring at all!
There are many ways to make nutrition into fun games for kids. Here are a few tips:
On the table you can lay out nuts, various seeds, cream cheese,
vegetables, fruit, crispbread etc. You know, light and healthy
This will encourage them to create fun new
recipes, made with healthy ingredients. Finding fun things to
do with kids through the creation of snack foods are so easy.
And often you will find that they will combine things
that just make you think, 'Yuk!' But try to stay open-minded.
What you may think is disgusting may just be absolutely
delicious for your child
For instance one of my son's
favorite snacks at the moment is whole grain crispbread with
liver pâté with a bit of honey on the top.
somewhat disgusting to me, too, but he loves it. And really
I'm just a coward for not even wanting to try! :-)
This might be a particularly good idea if your child has a
tendency to become allergic to food.
For instance, my
son will not get the same kind of nuts for two days in a row
and he will only get to eat one type of fruit at a time. If he
wants more fruit, he will get another kind as fruit number two.
Having a great variety of foods in the kitchen allows the
children to create a snack masterpiece whenever the mood and
hunger strikes.
This helps to free up time for you too,
if you have the ingredients to allow the children to "cook" up
some snacks.
What kid does not like working with their hands, in creating
new and interesting things?
Fun games can also
involve doing crafts. Here you help to teach your kids hand
eye coordination and manual dexterity. They learn about colors,
shapes, and even textures.
You can encourage their
creativity by encouraging them to create something out of "raw"
enough craft materials on hand will help start the creative
process. Doing crafts for fun games for kids does not need to
be very hard.
If you place before the children
craft materials such as construction paper, empty containers (like
small cardboard boxes, milk and egg cartons, crayons, markers,
washable paints, craft jewels, sequins, yarn, pipe cleaners,
glitter, fabrics (think quilting squares) and so forth, and
tell them: create.
If they are a little bit confused
as to what to do, sit down with them and begin building
something out of the craft materials yourself.
will most likely inspire your child to do the same :-)
Even smaller children can create crafts if they are easy
As an example, small children can use glue
sticks, give them a box, and have them create a keepsake with
construction paper and craft jewels. It is easy, not messy and
they will have a blast.
Doing arts and crafts is something that
is so easy to do especially if it surrounds a holiday.
New Years, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter,
Mother's Day, Father's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas
are among the most popular holidays and a great time for doing
creative fun activities for kids.
You can introduce
seasonal crafts days that surround winter, spring, summer and
Or on the other hand, monthly crafts days,
because each month has special days and celebrations.
So many topics and themes work well as a craft project.
Just put on your thinking cap, sit down with your children,
and start creating.
Did we just say chores and fun in the same headline?
Surely not!
But yes, chores can be fun, if you make
doing them a game.
So perhaps rather than calling it a
chore chart, you can call it an activity and game map.
To me that has a much more positive ring to it. Probably
for your child, and for you too! :-)
Many people use
different kinds of reward systems for their chore charts for
kids. However, I not a big fan of the principle of using
Because I don't want to teach my
child that it is only meaningful to do something because there
is a reward in the end, a carrot at the end of the stick. (I'm
not going to go into an in-depth discussion about rewards and
praise here, but if you're interested in reading about the
principle of positive, conscious parenting, you might like
these articles on
Unconditional Parenting or
Positive Parenting.)
Therefore, rather than letting the reward be the fun aspect of
the chore, let chore itself be the reward.
Let the
chore be the fun in itself!
Here is a way to
convert chore charts for kids into a fun games for kids chart:
The co-operation aspect here is really important as the
discussing of potential solutions will give your child sense
of responsibly and boost his self esteem (installing the
belief in your child, 'I have a say and what I say is
important') and thus a bigger, more real-felt incentive to
carry out the chores.
Yes, the chores might take
Yes, you will spend time on the solution aspect!
But also, Yes, you will both have fun with the chores!
Also here is an extra bonus:
This type
of chore chart for kids will not only be fun,
it will stimulate your children's imagination and solution
skills by teaching your children to be creative in their
actions and to make the best of them.
activity that involves counting can be converted into fun and
cool math games for kids.
Here is list of different
playful ways to approach teaching your children about maths:
Playing games to learn math skills can really be fun things to
do for kids.
What better way to find fun things to do for kids than through
learning academics.
Science is one field of study that
does not have to be a boring school class. There are so many
science experiments for kids that will be teaching them
valuable lessons.
Science experiments do not always
need a laboratory to perform them. Some can be as simple as
taking a dried bean and planting it in some dirt to teach
about the biological process of germination.
Here are
three examples of
easy science projects for kids that you can
do at home and which don't require any fancy equipment:
What happens?: Well if you stir hard enough
they may mix a bit initially but if you stop, the water and
oil will separate again!
Water and oil just don't seem
to get along for very long and won't really mix.
Why?: The technical reason is due to the way
they are put together on an anatomical level. Water is a polar
molecule and oil is a non polar molecule.
One a
molecular level they don't attract each other - so here
opposites don't attract ;-)
What happens?: The drawing or writing will
magically appear on the paper.
When the lemon juice is heated it oxidizes and turns brown.
Lemon contains a high amount of carbon compounds which quickly
oxidize when air is added. And when you also add heat, this
process happens even faster.
In high tech terms
oxidization means that a particle loses one or more electrons.
What happens?: The water in the 'black' glass
should have a higher temperature than the water in the 'white'
Why?: Different colors absorb
different amounts of light. The darker the color the more
light is absorbed. The lighter the color, the more the light
is reflected back and less light is absorbed.
turns to heat because the particles on the paper will vibrate.
The darker the paper, the more particles will vibrate and the
more heat will be produced. :-)
It is easy to use science projects as fun activities for kids.
Several science teachers have taken their time and knowledge
to share what they know on
science websites for kids.
Many science teachers even use these websites when coming up
with science fair projects for kids as a part of their lessons.
Science fairs are a fun way to learn about science, and you
can do these
scientific games for kids at home with your
children. Many of these projects are super easy and uses items
you have around the house to perform the experiment.
Children get a kick out of learning science by doing these
hands on projects.
Teaching animal facts for kids are fun. You can go to visit a veterinarian and asking them to share with
the children what it is they do.
Be sure to call ahead
of time. On the other hand, take the children to a zoo and
teach them about the different animals.
Many times, zoo
workers are happy to explain about the animals. They can tell
about the animals' habitats and can explain how the animals
interact in the wild.
The zoo is a great place to see
animals live and up close. Have they ever heard a lion roar?
Have they stood next to a giraffe? There are many fun things
to do for kids at a zoo.
Children are enthralled with magic tricks. They will sit and
watch a magician for hours, wondering how they do the tricks.
It is the mystery of the unknown, it is the mind
trying to understand 'how in the world'. Children just thrive
on this sort of thing.
Perhaps you can help give the
kids some skills that can entertain others at parties and
Teach them how to do magic tricks. Help
them learn to captivate and spellbind the audience. They can
challenge themselves to learning greater tricks that will
leave their audiences wondering how they did it.
addition, they can start with simple easy to learn magic
Here are two great videos that will show your
child how to do some really awesome magic tricks for kids:
Teaching magic tricks helps them to
learn how to perform in front of an audience.
them practice in front of a mirror, teach them about stage
appearance. Teach them how the expression on their face helps
to be convincing with their magic tricks.
are always hits at parties and family gatherings!
our little ones enjoy some hands on time with fun games for
Their little brains are like sponges; they learn
and absorb skills very fast at this age. Playing
toddler games helps them to focus on very
basic skills, learning to count, learning to take turns,
teaching shapes, colors, and even the alphabet.
down the game aisle at your favorite discount store. You will
see many age appropriate games for toddlers. Take children
outside and play games keeping them active. They enjoy
running, and throwing balls. Who knows, you may discover you
have a little prodigy on your hands!
It does not take a
lot of time to do fun games for toddlers. Their
attention span is very short, so when planning activities,
make sure they are not long and involved. They do well with
simple and short activities.
Vary the activities to be
physical, where they can be physically active (because we all
know how much energy a toddler has), and have them sit down
for short spurts of time (to color or cut or draw). Toddlers
do well with bright, fun, music, things that capture their
attention. Keep this in mind when planning activities for
Fun games for toddlers can be learning about
their family history and heritage.
It can be fun to
take blank family trees and help them to fill the leaves with
their siblings, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and
Let them help to make family tree charts. You
can draw a tree, or print off a family tree template. You can
find a printable blank family tree online.
This project
works well with small children and older children alike. Even
adults enjoy creating family trees.
Make it even
better by having photos of the family members you can paste to
the leaves. A good visual will help small children to learn
who their family members are.
If you want more creative family tree templates than this page
offers, I can really commend
website - where you'll find lots of free, original,
artistic blank family tree charts.
Feel free to print out the below family tree template along
with the apples and flowers.
Cut out the apples and
flowers, glue on a portrait and glue the apple portraits on
the apple tree and the flower portraits on the flower plant.
Here is another free printable family tree chart along with
leaves. Feel free to print them out.
Cut out the
leaves and glue the family photos on to them and glue the
leaves back on to the tree.
Even the smallest of babies will love it if you recite a cute
poem to them.
Take out the Mother Goose Book and read
the pages. These are all poems. However, do be aware that many
of the old nursery rhymes and folktales are soaked with old
style morale which can be quite violent and cruel. So choose
your rhymes with care :-)
Here is another one old Mother Goose nursing rhyme that is
quite fun and completely harmless:
Hey diddle
The Cat and the fiddle,
The Cow jumped over the
The little Dog laughed to see such sport,
And the
Dish ran away with the Spoon.
Dr. Seuss was a genius in telling a story through poetry.
Children really enjoy listening to the singsong rhyming of the
If your kids are old enough, encourage them to write poems.
Help them to develop an appreciation for this side of literary
Teach them how songs are poems put to
music. See how you can inspire them to put pen to paper and
see what they come up with on their own.
Even small
children who are too young to write can be poets. Encourage
your little one to think up a poem.
You can write it
down for them. Let them watch you write it as they say it;
they will get a kick out of this. You could then have the
child decorate the poem so you could frame it.
kinds of ideas turn writing poetry into fun games,
even if they are too small to read and write.
A child
is never too young to learn the appreciation of poetry and
prose. You will instill a love for reading and writing in
Finding fun games for kids requires you to think and act as a
child. See if you can pull back your memories and try to
remember how you felt at your child's age.
What sort
of things interested you? What kind of fun games did
you like?
Get on their level mentally, think up
activities that you know will entice them, and entertain them.
If you are drawing a blank, ask them for suggestions. See
if you can invoke some imagination and creation from them.
You will be so happy you spent this time with your child
and they will appreciate you for taking the time to play with them
Your Positive Parenting Ally,
Being a parent can feel like a double-edged sword. Life with kids may feel like the greatest gift you have ever received, while at the same being hugely challenging, often leaving you confused, stressed and overwhelmed.
When we feel like this, we've lost touch with ourselves. We can't hear our own inner voice, and it's difficult to know what is 'right' for us and how to act.
I offer in-depth parent coaching to help you regain your balance and get back in touch with yourself. From a place of inner peace and clarity, your will find your own answers which will help you reconnect with your child from a place of unconditional love and acceptance.
Read more about my parent coaching here.
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![]() 14 Fun Activities for Kids: Stimulating and Creative Indoor Games and Physical, Active Outdoor Games. |
![]() 18 Fun Kids Activities: - A True Well of Things to Do with Kids for Every Occasion. |
![]() 15 Hilarious Party Games for Kids Ideas for Planning Active Birthdays. |
![]() 9 Fun and Easy Magic Tricks for Kids: Simple Step-by-Step Instructions for Kids Magic Tricks. |
![]() Fun Animal Games for Kids That Stimulate Both Brain and Body. |
![]() 5 Creative Ways to Teach Exercises for Kids. |
![]() Fun and Easy Arts and Crafts for Kids that Make Memories for a Lifetime. |
![]() Easy Play Doh Recipe for Making Colorful, Non-Toxic Homemade Play Doh. |
![]() Fantastic Drawing for Kids Kandinsky Style Made Easy. |
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