The Kandinsky style made easy is an amazingly simple drawing technique for drawing for kids to make fantastic, easy drawings.
This kind of easy drawings that I'm going to show you here is a drawing technique I remember from my own school days in art class.
It's very simple and a lot of fun and doesn't require any sophisticated drawing skills for kids for them to make a beautiful professional-looking drawing almost ready for the art galleries. 😉
The style of the kind of easy drawing I going to demonstrate is very similar to that of the great Russian painter Kandinsky. At least that is my opinion.
You know, Kandinsky had these very colorful abstract paintings with lots of small elements that had all sorts of shapes, in all sorts of colors, and with a bit of imagination, they could look like all sorts of things.
Just for you to get a gist of what I'm talking about, and what you and your kids are about to do yourself, here are a few abstract paintings from Vassily Kandinsky:
Pretty nice, right?
Well, that's the kind of style that we'll be playing around with here, and I can't wait to take you through it.
So grab a piece of paper, a pencil, and some coloring pens or
colored pencils and let's get going with this wonderful example of
creative activities for
When making this beautiful drawing for kids, there are several separate steps to take. Now I'm going to show you what I did by walking you and your kids through each step.
The first step in this drawing for kids will make out the 'backbone' of the drawing. It really only consists of making lines and shapes on a piece of paper. There is no rule as to how to do this. This is between you and your imagination.
So tell your kids that they can make whatever shapes and lines they feel like. They can make circles, squares, doodles, triangles, waves .... whatever they fancy.
And it doesn't matter if they draw things 'on top of' each other. Lines crossing lines, actually only makes the end result better.
Below you can see my example. I've tried to use the whole paper, mix soft lines with hard lines, and I've let lines cross each other a lot.
Now comes the fun part where you and your kids really get to use your imagination.
I actually view this step as a sort of a meditation exercise. What I did, was that I sat down and just looked at the drawing with no intention other than letting it 'speak' to me.
Then all of a sudden animals and funny heads and creatures started 'growing' out of the drawing, 'Oh that spiral looks like a snail, let's draw that!' and 'That shape there could be a fish!' and 'Those lines there could be a funny lady with a hat' and so on.
And tell your kids that it doesn't have to be something recognizable. They can draw whatever they feel like. Inspire them to set their imagination free. After all, that's where all the fun is.
Once you're done with drawing all the fun creatures and whatever else you and your kids could come up with, it is time to draw up the lines in black. Just find a black pen and maybe put on some classical music and relax while drawing.
Doing this step, really makes a difference for end result. It makes all the little bits and pieces stand our more clearly. It sort of dramatizes the drawing. And in this context, drama is a good thing. 😉
Now it's time to splash some color onto your drawing for kids. So find your pens or crayons and color the white empty space between the lines.
Again, there are no rules. Just find whatever color speaks to you, and add some color to the paper.
I chose to fill out the whole drawing with colors (except for the white birds), but that doesn't mean that that's the way to do it for you.
Please, do whatever works for you and your kids. 😊
I really hope you enjoyed this page on drawing for kids Kandinsky style.
Because there are so many different ways to do this, I would really love it if you felt like sending in your and/or your kids awesome drawings. Then we could make a whole abstract cubic Kandinsky kids gallery.
If this is something you feel could be fun, please go ahead and fill in the form below. Otherwise I hope you and your kids will have tons of fun doing this arts and crafts project.
Your Positive Parenting Ally,
A gallery of beautiful kids drawings with the Kandinsky technique, wouldn't that be cool? I really think I would!
So if you tried this drawing technique with your children (or maybe just by yourself) and would like to share it online in all its funny, cute or beautiful splendour, I invite you to submit your drawing by filling out the form below.
Maybe your kid would think it cool to have his or her artwork displayed online for the whole world to see, and maybe, just maybe, your or your kid's piece of art is just what may inspire another kid to draw his artwork. You never know? 😉
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