Welcome! I'm your guide on this exciting, educational journey through your child's developmental milestones.
We will start this journey from the moment your baby is born and be
near the end of it by the time your teen is about to enter adult
I will give you a full guided tour of the 6 child
development stages.
Whenever we reach a milestone that you
want to know more about, e.g.
young kids or
older kids or
teens, you can just choose stop the
tour, dive in deep into your chosen child development articles and
learn all there is to know in full detail.
The approach you
will get here is scientific. I will pass on well-researched
information and be drawing from high-level insights from famous
child development theories.
For generations parents and
caregivers have been using scientific developmental milestones as an
easy tool to measure their child's growth and progress.
Every age, or stage of development, can be characterized by certain
achievements or abilities that most children are expected to acquire
during this time period.
However, depending on which doctor,
theorist, or child development expert you listen to, these stages can be very broad or quite narrow.
For your own peace of mind, I sincerely recommend that you choose to
go with the broad ones.
By this I mean that you take the age
attributed to the specific milestones with a rather large
grain of salt.
Stages apply to the idea of "the
average" child which may not include your unique child.
If you are told by someone or read somewhere that
every child should have the ability to sit unsupported by the
time they are six or even eight months old, and your child doesn't
yet, there is most likely nothing at all to worry about.
your child is otherwise healthy, he or she will get there at his or
her own pace. Most likely your child has a focus elsewhere,
developing other perhaps more subtle less measurable skills and is
probably not interested in that particular skill yet.
instance, I remember my son being a bit slow to reach out for toys
as a baby. However, considering the fact, that he wasn't interested
in toys, only human faces, interaction and communication, why should
he then!
This milestone was just not interesting right then
and there! :-)
Milestones can be good guidelines.
They may
help you recognize obvious delays that may indicate a more serious
However, milestones are not carved in
While books, websites, and developmental
psychologists can give you information about developmental
milestones and children in general, they cannot tell you about YOUR
Every child is unique.
Even though children
move through the stages and reach milestones in a
cumulative fashion with a recognizable pattern, the speed of this
process can vary greatly.
Here are two examples of instances
where theories and norms may make you think that your child is
too slow:
On woman was concerned because her son was
two and half years old (30 months) and still not toilet trained. In
her mind, this was unacceptable.
Her first child had
achieved this milestone at 18 months, and all her friends and family
were aghast that her little boy was "still wearing diapers".
She tried everything from rewards to discipline, but nothing
seemed to work.
Finally, in desperation, she took her son to
the doctor, sure that there was some medical reason for this delay.
The doctor's answer to her concern was, "Relax. He will
learn when he is ready. I can guarantee that he will not be 16 and
still wetting his pants."
couple reported that they thought their son would never walk. He was
quite content to crawl, but showed no interest in walking.
At 22 months, he wasn't even attempting to pull himself up by
holding onto furniture.
The pediatrician told them not to
worry, that their baby was strong and healthy, and one day he would
be walking so well that this perceived delay would be nothing but a
And, he was right!
One day, a few months
later, their son stood up using the kitchen chair for support. The
next day, he took his first step, and by the end of the week, he was
walking across the room unassisted.
Basically, what
typically takes a month to accomplish, he had achieved in less than
a week.
Rather than
focusing on the developmental milestones, your child is probably
just being unique and couldn't care less about our mental ideas of
the right pace of child development!
Even though you
might have full faith in your child's development, with so many
theories out there, it can still be confusing.
theorists insist that a newborn is a blank slate and you, as the
parent, write their story, while others claim that who a child
becomes is a complete result of genetics and there is little, if
anything, that a parent can do to change this predisposition.
In the past, theories for child development have been fairly
rigid, based on parental control, discipline, and expected (or
accepted) behavior.
Thankfully, a more holistic approach is
becoming prevalent, resulting in a shift of perception or ideology.
The caregiver is no longer the "potter" who molds and shapes
the child into a desired product, but rather a "nurturer" who
creates the ideal environment for the child to flourish and blossom.
You can read and learn more about
parenting and
parenting which are all examples of holistic, child centred
approaches to parenting.
Basically, the area of child development is made up of three main categories in which children reach different types of developmental milestones:
This segment
considers changes in height, weight, and appearance as your child
grows, as well as the development of certain physical skills and
As your baby gains muscle strength and
co-ordination, she will master specific motor skills such as rolling
over, walking, or kicking a ball. These are considered physical
Typical patterns show that certain
skills are grasped within a particular time frame.
physical milestones are assigned to "stages".
Keep in mind, though, that each child is unique, and may not always
"fit the pattern".
Children's brains are like sponges that are constantly soaking
up information from the environment.
As your child
grows, he will learn how to process and organize all this
As he becomes more adept at this skill, he will be able to use
the information gained to develop conceptual thinking,
language, problem solving abilities, memory, and perceptions.
This aspect involves your child's ability to interact with
It considers her growing understanding of her
own feelings as well as her perception of, and reaction to,
the feelings or emotions of others.
This area is
extremely important in your child's developmental progress
since it is connected to her self-esteem and identity, her
moral ideology, and her actions toward other people in her
So, what are the popular approaches to child development that
have established these significant developmental milestones
and influenced our way of thinking?
It is important to
note that some theorists believe children develop on a
continuum – growing, changing and reaching
milestones at a steady, consistent speed.
Others believe that development happens in stages, with periods of significant changes alternating with times of little or no progress.
Again, this can depend on the child and it
is difficult to say that either theory is right or wrong.
Since development involves the interaction of all three
components, it could be argued that both points of view are
For example, a "growth spurt" is evidence
that development occurs in stages.
However, just
because a child's growth is not physically obvious it does not
necessarily mean that no development is taking place.
Similarly, if a child suddenly expands his vocabulary from 3
words to 10 words, can it be said that he has "suddenly" moved
on to the next stage of development? Or, has he been
developing on a continuum, gaining the cognitive and
co-ordination abilities necessary for speaking and using
In this case, it can be argued that progress was continual
with the actual speaking of the words being the result of a
gradual process rather than the sudden jump to a new level.
While this is a discussion that will likely never be resolved,
it is important to view developmental theories with this type
of perspective.
If one adheres too strongly to the
"steady and continual" viewpoint, one might be concerned if
one does not see constant changes.
However, on the
other hand, believing only in the "stages" theory may cause
one to miss out on those little advancements that are actually
building blocks to larger accomplishments.
Sigmund Freud has been
accused of reducing everything down to base instincts and the
need for pleasure and satisfaction.
His claim is that
a child's Id, and Ego, and Superego are always struggling to
achieve a balance.
He argued that children must move
through certain psychosexual stages in order to become
healthy, happy, well-developed adults, and to resolve the
conflict between the three different aspects of the
The idea that all development is
connected to libido and sexual factors is considered a little
limiting today.
For years, much of the focus was on the physical developmental
milestones and little attention was given to the social,
emotional, environmental, or cognitive factors.
nothing else, being one of the first explorers into
the psychology
of children, Sigmund Freud started a progression
toward a much needed balance in the field of child development.
Like Freud,
Erikson believed that
children pass through important stages of child development on
their journey to healthy adulthood.
According to
Erik Erikson, if any of these stages are missed or incomplete, then
a person will experience problems or delays in development.
Erikson's main focus was on the powerful effects of the
immediate social environments. How a child develops a sense of
identity and self esteem in close relationships and how that
identity affects his ability to function in society and
interact with others.
Erikson's theory emphasizes the
importance of a parent's role in child development. As your
child moves through the stages and reach different milestones, he must receive the proper feedback
and responses.
For example Erikson says that if during
the first "trust vs. mistrust" stage, your baby has all her
physical needs met and is given plenty of love and affection,
she will learn to trust others and have confidence that she
will always be cared for.
Contrarily, if she is neglected, she
could develop distrust and fear toward those in her
Like Freud, Erikson's ideas added a
new dimension to the field of child development by showing a
parent or caregiver's responsibility to meet the child's
physical as well as their emotional and social needs.
Kohlberg took yet another
approach to child development.
Freud focused on the link
between sexual stages and development, and Erikson looked at
the importance of security and support, but Kohlberg stressed
a moral ideology that is based on the concept of right and
A child's decisions, behaviour, and ability to
function in society are dependant on his stage of moral
Let's illustrate what is meant here. For
example, a young child will distinguish "right and wrong"
based on consequences.
We have a situation where a
child is tempted to through a toy but doesn't! The reason why
the child doesn't will determine his stage of development,
according to Kohlberg.
A toddler may choose not to
throw a toy at another child because he knows that the parent
may take the toy away as a punishment for being disobedient.
This is called Level 1, the obedience and punishment
However, as the child grows and matures, he may decide not to
throw the toy because he understands that it could hurt
Now, his decision is not based only on punishment but
also on the effect his choices will have on others. In this
stage, selfishness is overridden by relationship.
This is
called Level 2, focusing on wellbeing of other and good
interpersonal relationships:
In many ways, Kohlberg introduced the idea of personality and
development being directed by a moral compass that is
influenced by society's expectations as well as the
individual's perceptions of right and wrong.
According to
Jean Piaget, children develop by interacting with the world around
them. Therefore, the more interaction they get, the better
developed they will become in their thinking.
focused extensively on cognitive development, looking at how a
child learns to speak, reason, think abstractly, and acquire
problem solving skills.
though Jean Piaget has been considered too focused on age and
achievement he is applauded for actually pointing out that the
measuring stick used on adult brains cannot be used on
Also Jean Piaget's theory criticized the idea
that "children should be seen and not heard", but rather
encouraged parents to include their children in all aspects of
family life.
Like Jean Piaget, Urie Bronfenbrenner states
that everything in a child's environment effects how he will
grow and develop.
However, the Ecological Systems
Theory takes it one step farther. Piaget talked about
interaction between the parent and child, while Bronfenbrenner
expands the environmental factors to include a broader scope -
everything the child is connected will affect its development
in some way shape or form.
He believes that a child's
development is influenced by a combination of social factors
including the child, the family, society, economic conditions,
and the political tone of the times.
For example, a
child can receive a lot of positive feedback and encouragement
from his parents, but if a mother's relationship with her
co-workers is strained or if financial pressures are creating
stress in the home, these issues can affect the way a child
perceives the world around him.
Similarly, a child
growing up surrounded by war or oppressive cultural views
could also influence the stages of development, particularly
socially and cognitively.
The word "holistic" comes
from the Greek word "holos", meaning total or complete.
Basically, this theory promotes the idea that "the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts."
It recognizes that
development is contingent on a lot of different factors
including physical, emotional, relational, spiritual,
environmental, and educational.
Since all aspects work
together, a problem in one area can impact all the other
areas. Therefore, a delay in cognitive development could be a
result of a social or physical problem.
Urie Bronfenbrenner, this theory suggests that a broad scope of
factors could influence development such as income, parental
education, health care, family relationships, parenting style,
housing, media, and a child's individual personality.
To help our children develop healthily, it is a good idea to
pay attention to all parts and how these parts affect the whole.
follows is a list of 6 child development stages.
Within each section, you will find a link that will take you
to an in depth article where you will find lots of interesting
developmental milestones for that particular age and stage of
child development.
As your baby
emerges from the safety and security of the womb, he will
spend the first month of his life adjusting to his new
He will use his many reflexes to develop
his motor skills and strengthen his muscles.
His five
senses will help him interact with his new world, and it won't
take him very long to recognize your unique scent and the
sound of your voice.
By the end of the first month, he
will even be able to interpret the various nuances and pitches
of your voice, laying the foundations for the conversational
skills that will develop throughout the coming years.
And, for a newborn, he is remarkably capable of communicating
his needs. Within the first week or so, you will know exactly
what he wants – when his hungry, when he is wet, and when he
wants your love and attention.
Although he is driven
by needs, he is soaking up your affection and learning how to
Read about infant milestones on
this page.
The first year of your baby's
life is an important time for building personality and laying
the foundation for healthy self-esteem and self-confidence.
She will take her cues from you, and her moods will often
reflect yours. She will be able to sense tension, know when
you are unhappy and seem calm when you are relaxed.
During this period, your child will gain a lot of muscle
strength and coordination reaching many
milestones. She will learn to hold up her head,
roll over, sit on her own, crawl, and maybe even begin using
furniture to pull herself up into a standing position.
Her new ability to travel will make her very adventurous and
she will constantly want to explore the world around her. She
will still use her senses to learn about her environment, and
will become much more adept at communicating verbally using
babbling, syllables, and then simple words.
This is
also the stage for the
development of object permanence
and the
appearance of
separation anxiety.
She will experience
growth and change that will not be matched until she reaches
her teenage years.
The toddler years are fun
and exciting. This is when your child will learn how to play,
communicate effectively, and gain independence.
will hear a lot of "me do it myself" and you will get a lot of
hugs and cuddles.
Your child will explore the world
bravely, but will still want to come back to you as a secure
As coordination improves he will reach the
milestones of learning to kick and throw a ball,
climb up stairs, and even use the television (probably better
than you!).
He might become easily frustrated and may
have temper tantrums, but he will also be excited to make new
discoveries and be proud of his emerging independence during
these years of
As you wave goodbye to the perhaps turbulent twos and the
challenges of toddlerhood, your child will now be ready to
take on more responsibility during the next couple of
early stages of child
She will reach the milestones of being able to recognize and
realize the feelings of others and will begin developing the
ability to think beyond her own needs more consistently.
This is the stage of "why" and you will be peppered with a
continual string of questions.
Your child's inquisitive nature will help her learn about
the world and develop social skills.
She will begin to
build friendships, engage in play-acting, and start expressing
a sense of humor.
Of course, increasing independence
will still be the focus, and your child will begin doing more
and more for herself.
This is a fun time to watch as her own
unique character and personality begin to crystallize clearer
and clearer.
these stages
of development, your child will begin to
place more importance on friendships.
His self-esteem
will be challenged based on how he believes he is perceived by
those outside his family.
This is the time when he
will acquire a sense of competence, or the belief that he has
the ability to succeed.
Encouragement and support are still as important as ever because
without these, he could feel that he is inadequate and develop
a sense of inferiority.
He will enjoy team sports,
group interactions, and activities that challenge his
abilities. He will daydream, fantasize, and learn how to use
his imagination in social interactions.
From 7-12,
your child's language skills will improve greatly and his
physical coordination will allow him to build and create
intricate structures or artwork. This is an exciting phase
with plenty of milestones.
Advancements in physical, cognitive, and social development
will help prepare your pre-teen for the next stage ... adolescence.
Moving from childhood to
adulthood can be challenging, especially when he will be faced
with puberty, changing social dynamics, and the need to
redefine his identity and find his place in society.
Learning how to manage new feelings or emotions while
discovering romantic relationships for the first time can be
This is the
teenage development stage when your adolescent will work
to become self-sufficient and autonomous while also realizing
their need for intimate relationships outside the family.
Becoming less dependent on family and making important
decisions about the future might often cause your teen to be
argumentative, withdrawn, moody, and sensitive.
is the time when he will work to answer the question, "Who am
I and what is my role or purpose in society?"
With the
development of social awareness, he will begin to see himself
as part of the "bigger picture" and you will watch him grow
and blossom into an amazing and unique adult!
Enjoy the journey as you move through the
stages of developmental milestones – from birth to adulthood –
and cherish every moment because, despite inevitable
challenges, the rewards are priceless! :-)
Your Positive Parenting Ally,
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Being a parent can feel like a double-edged sword. Life with kids may feel like the greatest gift you have ever received, while at the same being hugely challenging, often leaving you confused, stressed and overwhelmed.
When we feel like this, we've lost touch with ourselves. We can't hear our own inner voice, and it's difficult to know what is 'right' for us and how to act.
I offer in-depth parent coaching to help you regain your balance and get back in touch with yourself. From a place of inner peace and clarity, your will find your own answers which will help you reconnect with your child from a place of unconditional love and acceptance.
Read more about my parent coaching here.
![]() A Newborn Development Guide About the First Physical, Psychological and Social Infant Milestones and How to Handle Them! |
![]() In-Depth List of All the Baby Milestones Reached during the First Year: Exciting Insights into Physical, Psychological and Social Baby Development. |
![]() Inspiring Toddler Development Guide: A Long List of Toddler Milestones and Positive Parenting Tips for Parenting Toddlers. |
![]() A Guide to the Early Child Development Stages and a List of Child Development Milestones from 4-6 Years. |
![]() Stages of Child Development from 7-12 Years: A list of Physical, Cognitive and Social Developmental Milestones. |
![]() Teen Development and Adolescent Development: Physical, Cognitive and Social Developmental Milestones. |
![]() Judgment Call: Understanding the Teenage Brain. |
![]() A Fascinating Journey into the Psychology of Children: From the Grand Masters' Fixation with Development Stages to the Context Focus of Today! |
![]() Jean Piaget's Object Permanence Developmental Stages: Theoretical Outline, Modern Critique and Parental Advice! |
![]() Keeping Track of Child Development Milestones: Spot Deviations like Early ADHD or Autism Symptoms. |
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