by Mary Janet Achieng
(Visitor's contribution to children self esteem stories):
I am Mary and my son is Joe. We are from Kenya and I love my son so much.
Being a single parent and a teen mother am always in a rush to find the necessities my son requires.
Just recently I enrolled him to kindergarten and funny enough, he was the youngest of the others but that did not scare him.
After a week he was able to memorize what he was taught and I found it really interesting.
One evening he opened his book and told me, "Mama, please help me write letter A!"
I was shocked because I knew he still had problems holding his pencil firm.
We kept trying together and when it was not working, he bust into tears saying, "I cannot do it!" ... it broke my heart :(
I had to comfort him and make him know he was still young and that he would learn that in time.
He was not convinced though, so it became a daily routine before he went to bed that we had to write "A".
Am so happy that today as I write this he knows how to write almost all the letters in the alphabet and more so, reads names of objects with a lot of ease.
Mary Janet AchiengThe Raw Power of the Self Esteem Building Block: 'I Can'
Comment by Positive Parenting Ally
One of the most important foundations for exploring the world and developing new skills is the firm existential belief of 'I can'!
Unconditional love, support and acceptance help children help build, support and maintain this important belief. When children know that they are valuable, worthy and accepted for who they are, they will act accordingly.
Their actions and efforts will shine out this powerful belief: I can!
This very basic belief of 'I can' is the power and fuel that throws us into to the world to realize out potentials and grow into the best people we can be.
Mary Janet provided us with a wonderful example of this existential belief of 'I can' in action.
Even when faced with challenges, the positive basic belief of 'I can' led Joe to eventually manifest this belief in world. Even when he is frustrated with trying to realize his belief, he doesn't give up.
Because he believes he can! Or even more powerful, he knows that he can.
You see, the universe is like a big, great copying machine. Deep down Joe knows that he can. He knows that he is able.
And because he knows this, the world will do anything it can to present him with experience of 'I can'.
This is the power of The Law of Attraction - that in some way shape of form, your basic beliefs will find a way to manifest in the world.
Thank you Mary Janet, for this wonderful and uplifting self esteem story.
Your Positive Parenting Ally,
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Children Self Esteem Stories: About How a Teen Can Make or Break Self-Esteem
Here are a few parenting articles about children and self esteem:
High Self Esteem Children Make a Real Difference with Your Presence - Praise Is just the Helpful Topping.
Quiz for Self Esteem: Find You Personality Type and Get Tailor Suited Parenting Advice to Build High Self Esteem Children
Children Self Esteem Stories: Empower yourself and others by reading and sharing a self esteem uplifting story.
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