Alfie Kohn is perhaps one of the most controversial and highly regarded figures
in the area of parenting and education.
His ideas and theories have
challenged traditional beliefs and called into question many of the practices
that have been widely accepted for years.
In this article you'll get:
Born in Miami, Florida on Oct 15, 1957, Alfie Kohn earned a B.A.
from Brown University and a Masters degree from the University of
After teaching at both the highschool and college
levels, Kohn now spends his time writing and lecturing at various
education and management conferences as well as at parent groups and
Strongly influenced by the ideas of John Dewey,
Jean Piaget,
Carl Rogers, Kohn has been very outspoken, and even
critical, of many conventional parenting methods that are based on
behaviorism and external control.
He argues that although
many people believe that things such as rewards, punishments,
incentives, and competition will encourage children to strive for
excellence and achievement, the opposite is actually true.
strive not to excel and be the best they can be but to avoid
punishment or get the reward.
Just below this you'll find a 12 minute video with a rather young Alfie Kohn on Oprah where he talks about the problem of rewarding kids for e.g. good grades and doing their homework. What basically happens is they lose their sense of curiosity and stop wanting to learn!
"Rewards buy only one thing, temporary compliance. But in the
long run, they not only not help, they make things worse because
[...] the more you reward people for doing something, the more they
tend to lose interest in what they had to do to get the reward."
Although Kohn's ideas have been argued and criticized, his theories
are strongly grounded in research as well as his own personal
experiences as a teacher and a parent of two children.
In a
- what I find to be - a lovely provocative way he challenges the
status quo and sheds new light on the principles and norms that we
have blindly accepted for years.
His work has led to many
changes within the education system and much positive feedback from
parents who have put his theories into practice.
Kohn has
published 12 books (you can see some of them at the end of this
page), all of which have seen international success and been
translated into several languages.
He has also authored
several articles and continues to be a strong influence among
educators, parents, and managers.
Alfie Kohn has been at the forefront of both the parenting and
educational field for many years.
His contributions have
brought about many changes in parenting, education, and management
Although he continues to have a great impact in the
area of social and human behavior, he is perhaps most famous for his
"progressive" thinking and is best known for his views on:
Alfie Kohn revolutionized the parenting world when he introduced the
concept of Unconditional Parenting.
All of a sudden,
behaviorist theories based on controlling your children to make them
fit a socially acceptable mold were being challenged.
unconditional parenting love and acceptance are regarded more highly
than training and compliance. Rewards and punishment are replaced
with unconditional support.
As you can imagine, this created
quite an uproar, especially among those who had spent years
advocating a more
authoritarian - or even
authoritative - approach to parenting.
But, unconditional parenting wasn't a completely new idea.
In fact, Kohn used Carl Rogers
Unconditional Positive Regard as a springboard for many
of his theories.
But, until Alfie Kohn's ideas took the
world by storm, child-centered parenting was considered to be
permissive and indulgent.
However, Kohn backs-up all his
theories with studies and research.
He doesn't just say that
conditional love may be potentially harmful long-term, but he
references research that proves those who believed they had to earn
their parents love as children felt less worthy and experienced more
insecurity as adults.
With so many facts to support his
ideas, it became increasingly difficult to ignore what he had to say.
Many parents, disillusioned with past methods, began taking
Kohn's ideas seriously and putting his findings into practice.
Alfie Kohn has made many valuable contributions to the field of
parenting, but his views on rewards and punishment are among the
most debated.
The premise is that rewarding our children for
"good" behavior and punishing them for "bad" behavior teaches them
that they are loved only when they please us.
Rewards are
perceived as affirmation, and punishment is seen as a withdrawal of
our love.
Kohn's ideas of "loving with no strings attached", giving
unconditional positive regard, and empowering our children by
letting them be involved in the decision making processes changed
the way parents viewed their children - and themselves.
Using these principles, parenting is now a partnership we have with
our children. Rather than doing something "to them" , we now can
work "with" them to achieve a win/win situation that is a result of
"character" instead of "control".
While rewards, punishments,
incentives, and competitions usually create behavior that is a
result of extrinsic or "external" factors, Kohn's principles of
unconditional parenting encourage intrinsic behavior or actions that
result from an "internal" desire to do what is right.
we say, "Clean up your toys and you can have a cookie", we are
prompting a child to action based on a reward. If we take the reward
away, will the child still willingly comply?
Or, if speaking
to a parent disrespectfully earns a punishment, will the child avoid
speaking his mind simply to prevent the consequences? And, does this
actually stop the disrespect or just the expression of it?
have my own opinion, what do you think?
Check out this short
video below to hear Kohn speak about punishment and time out:
Kohn also promotes the idea of meeting our children's needs - and
recognizing that not every child has the same needs.
behaviorist theories state, "These are the rules, follow them!",
unconditional parenting looks at each child as an individual and
finds ways to make him feel loved and accepted no matter what
happens or what he does.
Many conventional parenting methods
work to get kids to "do whatever they are told". In other words, the
goal is unquestioned obedience.
We make our children "behave"
much the same way we make our family pet behave. But Kohn says that
we should be asking, "What do children need - and how can we meet
those needs?"
By giving our children what they need, they
will become strong, confident individuals who will act from internal
convictions and beliefs rather than from externally enforced
They will strive for excellence - not because
they want to become number one, but because they can feel that doing
their best simply feels good - it just feels right! Yes, it really
is that simple!
They will not be afraid to fight for their
dreams because they know that failure will not cost them your love.
And they will find their self-worth and value from internal sources
rather than from external acceptance.
Here is a radio
interview with Alfie Kohn by Laura Markham where he speaks of
parenting and, among other things, the difference between short term
and long goals:
Alfie Kohn has also had a great influence on the field of education.
His criticism of standardized testing and traditional grading
procedures has received mixed reception.
He argues that
students are placed in the unhealthy situation of being constantly
compared to others and judged on a scale that makes some people
winners while others are losers.
The current system of
rewards and punishment can create a fear of failure and discourage
risk taking while diminishing self-esteem and self-worth.
Students who are successful according to conventional grading
systems are praised and rewarded while others are criticized or
According to Kohn, educators, like parents, need to replace praise
with support, and create a more student-directed rather than
teacher-directed model of learning.
If the home should be
child-centered, the classroom should be student-focused.
Unconditional Teaching ... it may mean re-vamping the educational
system but imagine the benefits!
This does not mean that the
student controls the teacher or the child rules the home.
According to Kohn, it is about working together to create something
valuable and precious rather than a robot that can recite facts,
behave "appropriately" based on an external system of rewards and
punishments, and never develops the ability to think autonomously.
Kohn encourages parents to visit their children's schools and become
involved in the educational process.
This way, parents are
aware of any "conditional teaching" and may be able to positively
influence changes within the classroom.
Since children spend
so much time at school, an important part of parenting is making
sure that the educational environment is a healthy one!
When people hear the name Alfie Kohn, their first thought is usually
Unconditional Parenting.
Whether you agree with him or not,
if you are a parent you have probably heard this book mentioned at
some point in time. Like Dr. Spock's The Common Sense Book of Baby
and Child Care, Alfie Kohn's Unconditional Parenting is often
considered a "must have" for any parent.
Kohn's purpose for
this book is to encourage parents to examine the way they think
about, feel about and behave with their children.
It asks us
to look at our parenting methods and decide if they are effective,
if they are producing the results we desire, and if they are really
- ultimately - keeping our children's best interests in mind.
Some of the main highlights include:
Most of us have been taught that certain actions will earn specific
The "do this and you will get that" mindset has
been so ingrained in us that we often make it a natural part of our
parenting techniques.
But, essentially, we are "bribing" or
"manipulating" our children. We are teaching them that behavior is
always hinged on rewards rather than what feels right and what feels
wrong. And, we are controlling their behavior by offering something
Have you heard the advertisements on television
that promise to send you a free gift if you make a donation to their
charitable organization?
Why must there by an incentive for
Because society has been infused with the idea
that every good action must have a tangible reward.
this teaching begins at home, right at infancy. When we - often with
the best of intensions - give stickers for cleaning a bedroom or
treats for good behavior, we are instilling the "do this and you'll
get that" attitude in our children.
Punished By Rewards
discusses the damaging effects of prizes, praise, and incentives:
Have you ever been told that being competitive is a survival
instinct that is part of human nature?
Well, Alfie Kohn
disagrees. He believes that competition in the home, school, or any
social environment causes more damage than good.
there is a "winner" there is also a "loser" and children grow up
feeling that they can never meet certain standards of expectation.
According to Kohn competition does not build character. It
destroys self-esteem, causes strain in relationships, and makes some
children feel that they are less valuable than others. Rather than
embracing their strengths, they lament what they perceive to be
their "weaknesses".
Competition turns "playing fields into
battlefields" and causes kids to strive to become "number one".
Essentially, Kohn is saying that competition takes the emphasis
off "doing your best" to "becoming the best".
And, if you
are not the best, then you are a "loser".
It creates a
situation where children are forced to constantly "outdo" each other,
and Kohn argues that competition actually stops children from doing
their best because of the attack on their self-worth and esteem.
In this book, Kohn discusses the dangers of competitive
environments and offers alternatives such as cooperative activities.
He encourages families:
Good news!
Alfie Kohn has found that we are more generous
and altruistic than we thought - and he has hundreds of studies to
prove it!
We hear so much about selfishness and aggression
and everything that is wrong with this big, scary world.
But, according to Kohn, caring and generosity is still alive and
well, and we can teach our children to be both empathetic and kind.
And, we don't need to give them rewards to do it!
Throw out
your pre-conceived ideas (women are more altruistic than men,
violence is genetic) and prepare to be refreshingly encouraged as
you discover the Brighter Side of Human Nature.
If you wish to dive more into Kohn and his theories you can find more information here:
Your Positive Parenting Ally,
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Being a parent can feel like a double-edged sword. Life with kids may feel like the greatest gift you have ever received, while at the same being hugely challenging, often leaving you confused, stressed and overwhelmed.
When we feel like this, we've lost touch with ourselves. We can't hear our own inner voice, and it's difficult to know what is 'right' for us and how to act.
I offer in-depth parent coaching to help you regain your balance and get back in touch with yourself. From a place of inner peace and clarity, your will find your own answers which will help you reconnect with your child from a place of unconditional love and acceptance.
Read more about my parent coaching here.
![]() Unconditional Parenting: Learn to Question Your Child Discipline Ideas to Really Meet Your Kid's Needs! |
![]() The Unconditional Positive Regard: The Long Term Parenting Strategy That Allows for Full Growth! |
![]() Positive Reinforcement Parenting: A Well Meaning Parenting Technique That Lacks the Long Term Focus! |
![]() Carl Rogers Biography, Theories and Books: The Founder of Humanistic Psychology. |
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