For years, experts had been giving parents a list of dos and don'ts, but developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind approached parenting from a whole new perspective.
Instead of focusing on specific actions that could harm or help children, Baumrind introduced the idea of parenting styles. And her definition of 3 parenting styles was no less than groundbreaking when she coined them back in the 1960s.
Read all about it here and more too.
In this article on Baumrind, you'll get:
much research and observation, Baumrind recognized that it is not
just what you do, but how you do it, that impacts
your children.
For example, a child who has a "highly
responsive" parent will react differently to discipline or
correction than a child who is raised in a "highly demanding" home.
In this case, it is not the discipline itself that is the issue, but
the approach, manner - or style - with which it is delivered.
Previously, many parenting experts had been suggesting that
children should be given very rigid rules with high levels of
expectation for compliance. In other words, children should obey
without argument and do whatever they are told.
Those who
disagreed with this theory, proposed the opposite - respond
immediately to children's needs and give love and approval
unconditionally. However, this approach was often misunderstood and
criticized for being too permissive or indulgent.
Baumrind suggested that "good" parenting should not be one or
the other, but rather the ideal balance of both "responsiveness" and
"demandingness". It was a compromise of sorts, a "meet in the
middle" concept that attempted to take the best of both worlds and
create the perfect parenting style.
Baumrind's 3 parenting
styles inspired a lot of future research that eventually
resulted in a fourth style (the uninvolved parent) being
added in 1983.
Now, nearly five decades later, she is still
considered to be one of the most influential contributors in the
field of parenting.
Diana Baumrind was born on August 23, 1927, the oldest of two daughters in a
middle class family living in one of New York's small Jewish
She earned a B.A. of psychology and
philosophy from Hunter College in 1948, and went on to complete both
a Masters Degree and PhD in clinical and developmental psychology at
the University of California, Berkeley.
After a postdoctoral
residency at Cowell Hospital in Berkeley, Diana took a position as a
research psychologist at the Institute of Human Development at the
University of California, Berkeley.
In 1966, she published her now
famous article on parenting styles. This was followed by another
article in 1967 that examined the effects of these styles on child
is also well-known for her work in the area of research ethics. She
argues that misrepresentation and deception should be minimized in
research studies and that subjects should be informed about what to
She believes that, for the sake of results, honesty
is too often compromised and many people do not really know why they
are being observed or what risks may be involved when they agree to
be part of a research group.
Although she is in her 80s,
Diana still remains very active in the field of parenting, heading
the Family Socialization Project at IHD, sitting on the editorial
board for the international journal Parenting: Science and Practice, and acting as a consultant for the Task Force on
Corporal Punishment for the American Psychological Association.
Since the 1960s,
Diana Baumrind has been very influential in the field of parenting.
Her theories resulted in many research studies and articles that
have changed the way parents view the role they play in their
children's lives.
She has consulted on many projects
throughout her career, but she is most famous for the following
Even if you have never heard the name
Diana Baumrind, you might know about the "three parenting styles".
Every parent, at some point, questions whether they are
being "too demanding" or "too permissive". They wonder if they are
showing enough love and affection while still setting reasonable
boundaries and teaching self-regulation.
Well, the idea of
being "too strict" or "too lenient" is actually a concept that comes
from Baumrind's theories. She proposed that there are three
parenting styles, and that each style leads to specific outcomes.
The parenting styles are really based
on various combinations of these factors.
In other words,
how responsive or how demanding you are will determine which
category applies to your parenting approach - you can take my test
Basically, Diana Baumrind is saying that the authoritarian style is "too hard", the permissive style is "too soft", and the authoritative is "just right".
Here is a video that in a few words explains Diana Baumrind's parenting styles:
While there is
a lot of research to support Baumrind's ideas, many parenting experts have questioned her emphasis on the need for firm (not
rigid) rules and controls.
Baumrind argues that the proper use of
disapproval, balanced with love and affection, is what is best for
However, there are those within the field of
parenting (e.g.
Alfie Kohn), that believe "disapproval" is a
form of "love withdrawal" and can actually have a negative impact on
Also, when considering popular theories such as
those promoted by
Benjamin Spock or Alfie Kohn, one has to
ask if "high responsiveness" without "high demandingness" really is
synonymous with "permissiveness"?
That is what Baumrind
But, a lot of research has shown that focusing primarily on
meeting children's needs produces well-adjusted, self-confident
children who don't need external controls.
In 1983, researchers Eleanor Maccoby
and John Martin felt that Diana Baumrind's theory was incomplete and
introduced a fourth parenting style - the uninvolved parent.
These parents are neither demanding nor responsive. Basically,
they don't care. And, children of uninvolved parents often "act out"
or become involved in deviant behaviors in an effort to get their
parents' attention.
Baumrind has been the cause of a lot of controversy because of her stance on physical or corporal punishment.
Diana Baumrind supports the occasional use of
spanking as a form of discipline and states that her research has
shown no negative long-term impact on children if the punishment is
delivered within an authoritative style where the child does not
perceive the action as harsh or cruel.
She also states that
abusive parents are typically authoritarian, although not all
authoritarian style parents are abusive.
But, this stance
continues to be a controversy within the parenting field.
Many researchers disagree vehemently
with Baumrind (and many countries have also banned physical
punishment both in school and at home).
They claim that the more a parent uses physical punishment the
greater the likelihood of this punishment escalating to abuse.
Some experts also believe that punishing a child using physical
aggression will encourage them to become more physically aggressive
And the bottom line is - does it make sense?
Isn't spanking a child for something such as throwing a toy at a
friend, biting, or hitting another child an oxymoron? ... I'm going to
hit you to teach you that hitting is wrong? Even as an adult, that
makes no sense, so how can we expect our children to understand?
Baumrind has had great influence in the area of
research ethics, which began with her strong response to
Stanley Milgrim's 1963 Study of Obedience.
told his study subjects that he was conducting research on the
relationship between punishment and learning when, in fact, he was
actually testing people's compliance to authority to determine how
far someone would be willing to go for the sake of obedience.
Baumrind disagreed with the deception, claiming that Milgrim
created high levels of stress in the subjects, and failed to show
respect or concern for participant's welfare.
She believed
that once the truth was revealed, many subjects would feel used,
embarrassed, and distrustful of authority in the future.
Basically, she felt that the relationship between the researcher and
the subjects had been violated.
In response to her criticism, many
researchers claimed that a certain amount of deception is necessary
to get accurate results.
For example, parents are going to be on
their "best behavior" if they know that they are being observed. Or,
an adolescent is not likely to engage in deviant behavior if a
police officer is within sight.
Despite a continuing
argument, Baumrind has been influential in changing the way much
research is done and in making sure that subjects are treated less
like lab rats and more like human beings.
As a researcher, Baumrind has written many
journal articles and book chapters on parenting styles, family
socialization, moral development, adolescence, and research ethics.
Much of her work is very "clinical", meaning that it is
written for other experts and researchers within the field of
However, some of her writings have become quite
famous and can be very informative, even for parents who don't
necessarily agree with her viewpoints.
These two articles earned Baumrind recognition within the field
of parenting.
They introduced the three parenting styles and
examined the effects that these child-rearing practices have on
These articles outline a very detailed study
contrasting self-reliant, mature, trusting, and content children
with those who were distrustful, unhappy, immature, and dependent.
By observing the various parenting styles, Baumrind looked
at the relationship between development and parental control.
Factors discussed included punishment, authority, freedom and
autonomy, self-regulation, and fear.
The article concludes
with the observation that the authoritative parenting style is the perfect balance and the best approach for both the parents
and children.
This article summarizes a study that looked
at the relationship between income level and child abuse or
Baumrind observed several families, taking
into account finances, maternal youth, marital status, foster care,
and personality.
The article also covers the psychological
characteristics of abusive parents, although much of her research
concludes that poverty is the strongest determining factor for
This is a book about raising "good kids", with the
definition of "good" being empathetic, altruistic, moral, competent,
and having strong consciences.
Five parenting experts have
taken all their years of research and knowledge and put it together
to make a manual that parents can use to help "maximize their
children's potential" for becoming self-confident, fair, and giving
Diana Baumrind has contributed a chapter on
authoritative parenting and how this method can lead to character
and competence in children.
This article is
the summary of a study involving 139 children who were observed at
ages 4, 10, and 15 to determine the effects of parenting styles on
their development, particularly the likelihood of substance use.
Various family types were included - authoritative, democratic,
directive, non-directive, unengaged - and it was found that children
from authoritative and democratic homes were more mature,
optimistic, and had more positive attitudes about their parents.
These children were also less likely to become involved in deviant
behavior such as alcohol or drug use.
In this article, Baumrind readdresses
her earlier views on physical discipline. Again, she states that one
extreme or the other is not beneficial.
A parenting approach
that uses strict corporal punishment can lead to as many problems as
one that includes indulgent permissiveness.
Her solution?
Balance is the best!:
Baumrind takes into account historical and cultural factors, as well as family situations and stages of development.
Your Positive Parenting Ally,
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Being a parent can feel like a double-edged sword. Life with kids may feel like the greatest gift you have ever received, while at the same being hugely challenging, often leaving you confused, stressed and overwhelmed.
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